Property and Platforms Research Project

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, large-scale investors armed with private equity and advances in digital technology transformed real estate investment. Today, a new wave of digital platforms are attempting to change how regular people invest in property. At the same time, inflation and rising interest rates are changing the fundamentals of the real estate market, raising questions about the viability of property investment platforms. This project seeks to learn more about user experiences of platforms for investing in rental property (such as Roofstock, Fundrise, Landa, Arrived, and Lofty) and rent-to-own platforms (such as Divvy Homes and Landis). We are looking to hear real stories from real people about their experiences!

We want to know:

  • How do platform users think about property, wealth, and place?

  • How are changing market conditions affecting user experiences and outcomes?

    Interested in participating? Take our eligibility survey!

    We will follow up with you from there to schedule an interview.

    Participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card for their time.

Further reading:

Amanda Hoover (2023). Your Next Landlord Could be 100 Random People. Wired.

Nick Keppler (2022). Robot Landlords are Buying Up Houses. Vice.

Tech Equity Collaborative (2022). Rent to Own the American Dream: The Promises and Perils of Alternative Home Financing.